Gimko Verification System

To try to provide a safer community for our users, we offer both buyers & sellers the opportunity to become Gimko Verified Users; this process is entirely optional, however we believe there are a lot of advantages to becoming a verified user.
How it Works:
To verify our sites users, we utilise leading Australian Verification Company greenID to verify their identity and check the information they have provided is valid.
The user is taken to greenID to verify they are who they say they are. This generally involves checking their information against separate databases including but not limited to:
- Sensis White Pages
- Australian Electoral Roll
- GDC National Telephone File
- GDC Citizen File
- The Transaction History Database
They may also be asked to verify their identity with one or more of the following identifiers:
- Drivers License
- Australian Passport
- Australian VISA
- Medibank Private Health Insurance
- ASIC Registered Entities (businesses only)
They may also be able to choose an alternate method where they will be able to upload identifying documents such as their telephone bill, water bill or Gas/Electricity bill.
We then check to make sure the information they verified against matches what is in our system for them, if it's a match and only if it's a match do we verify their account.
Because their information could change over time, if the user wishes to stay verified, they are required to re-verify every year; additionally, if they change certain pieces of their personal information during this time, they will also need to re-verify.
Verification Advantages:
There are many advantages to becoming a verified user, among those reasons are:
- Potential buyers are made aware that you are a verified user
- Gaining more trust with buyers which may lead to more buyers looking at your items & higher selling prices
- Confirmation of your verified status will appear throughout the site including on the item page, search results, category results, bid history & more
- When buying, gain more trust from sellers even when you have a low reputation score