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Posted 02 December 2023 - 03:12 AM

Was another great and competitive year which was fought out till the end with lots of different people joining in and getting votes.
2 contenders stood out for most of the year by leading from the front in a battle for break wins.
In the end there could only be 1 person standing at the top of the podium.
Raise a glass, and Congratulations to Kezza Zanoni on becoming the 2023 NRL Championship winner!
He is now become a 3 time champion and we are all eager to see his championship speech! 😜
Kezza will receive all the glory, plus a trophy and a few other things that go with it.
As usual, I do have other prizes for the top5, but as there was a draw for 5th, I added a few extra prizes so those tied don't miss out. 
Also there was a draw for 2nd, so Eugene Moreton & Craig Hyde will get a box each of 2023 NRL Traders Titanium. 
The rest in the top 5 will get to choose one of the prizes in the picture in the following order:
Bret Hodges - 
Dominik Ziomek - 
Nathan Tones - 
Adam Flint - 
Kurt Skarstrom - 
Thank you to everyone who has been in an NRL break this year. Has been a pleasure and a privilege to be able to bring some fun and entertainment while getting to hit some awesome cards. 
Hopefully you have all enjoyed the fun as well. 
Cheers 🤙

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