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Group Break



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2 replies to this topic

#1 GimkoBreaks


    Group Breaker

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Posted 30 December 2022 - 11:23 AM



Break Line Up:

  • 2009-10 Select Cricket Hobby Box x 2

Break Rules:

  • This is 6 pack per person random break and there will be 12 spots available in this break.
  • Price of spot includes standard postage, toploaders, penny sleeve, padded envelopes.
  • Spots numbers bought in the break is the order in which the packs will be allocated and opened.
  • Both boxes will be opened live and all 72 packs carefully mixed up.
  • Once the packs have been carefully mixed up they will randomly picked, opened one at a time and allocted to a spot as per below.
  • If you want registered postage it will be $5.00 extra or if you want express postage it will be $6 extra.
  • No common cards will be sent.

Pack Opening Breakdown:

  1. Spot 1 will receive packs 1, 13, 25, 37, 49 and 61
  2. Spot 2 will receive packs 2, 14, 26, 38, 50 and 62
  3. Spot 3 will receive packs 3, 15, 27, 39, 51 and 63
  4. Spot 4 will receive packs 4, 16, 28, 40, 52 and 64
  5. Spot 5 will receive packs 5, 17, 29, 41, 53 and 65
  6. Spot 6 will receive packs 6, 18, 30, 42, 54 and 66
  7. Spot 7 will receive packs 7, 19, 31, 43, 55 and 67
  8. Spot 8 will receive packs 8, 20, 32, 44, 56 and 68
  9. Spot 9 will receive packs 9, 21, 33, 45, 57 and 69
  10. Spot 10 will receive packs 10, 22, 34 46, 58 and 70
  11. Spot 11 will receive packs 11, 23, 35, 47, 59 and 71
  12. Spot 12 will receive packs 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72
  • All 72 packs will be randomly picked and opened - Each pack 'hit' is allocated as per spot number and pack allocation above with each spot getting 6 packs each

How to watch the break and trade teams (where applicable):

  • All the breaks are streamed live and can be watched on Gimko via Channel 1 or Channel 2.
  • If you cannot watch live and miss the break you can watch the replay on our YouTube channel.
  • For break date and time, channel used, and to trade teams (where applicable), check out the Gimko Forum or the Gimko Facebook Page for all information.

How do I pay to enter a break?

  • For Gimko Breaks, the main acceptable payment method is via PayPal, which will either allow you to use your PayPal balanceBank BalanceCredit Card (if linked) and PayPal's Pay In 4 if your account has been approved for by PayPal.
  • If you do not have a PayPal account, then you can checkout and pay via a Credit Card as a guest on the PayPal payment portage page.
  • For a full step by step guideline on how to pay click here -> Gimko How To Pay Guideline.
  • AfterPay is available on request, so send us a message, however Gimko is charged a 6% fee to use it. To keep break costs down for everyone, we ask that if you want to use this service, that you agree to pay 3% extra to cover half the fee.

What is a group break?

  • Visiting the group breaks page and click on the How It Works tab for a full run down on the different types of breaks on offer.

Good Luck Everyone.



Edited by GimkoBreaks, 30 December 2022 - 04:26 PM.

Gimko - Where Collectors Connect  https://www.facebook...332639710168734  

#2 GimkoBreaks


    Group Breaker

  • Group Breakers
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Posted 30 December 2022 - 11:32 PM



Gimko - Where Collectors Connect  https://www.facebook...332639710168734  

#3 GimkoBreaks


    Group Breaker

  • Group Breakers
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Posted 01 January 2023 - 05:25 AM


Gimko - Where Collectors Connect  https://www.facebook...332639710168734