2008 Select Centenary RANDOM CASE BREAK #2 - SPOT #2

Sold for:
$240.00 AUD
(Approx. $-)
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Item Specifics
This is a case break for 2008 Select Centenary. You will be purchasing one box from this unopened case.
FREE BONUS: One promo set of 4 cards
Case Break Details:
As the immortal redemption in these cases is searchable (down to 1 in 3-4 boxes) we are going to randomly assign the boxes to everyone that purchases a box in this case break.
That way everyone involved has a fair shot at the immortal redemption.
The boxes will be taken from the case and arranged in the order of the number on their security sticker on the front – highest to lowest.
Everyone that purchases a box will then be randomised through random.org in spot order to work out who gets which box.
Payment for your box is not due until all spots are sold.
Postage is included in the price of the box. All boxes sent by courier with automatic insurance and tracking.
If you have any questions regarding how the case break is being run do not hesitate to contact me.
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Item Views: 768
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